
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aion : The Tower Of Eternity Part, My First experience!

Well, I try out the Aion after i quit my last MMORPG which was World Of Warcraft : Burning Crusade after my Troll hit cap lvl 70 that time. Well soon after i bought this game and try out the game lore and the game quest, Well it didn't really make me disappointed. Their lore was good and the quest was not really that boring. But i haven't really try their 'Instance' as i only lvl up to 21 for the last 2 days without sleeping 109_.gif 109 image by onionethan almost become ghost if i didn't sleep last night hahaha. 

Below got some screen shoot i took around the "World of Aion " Which was pretty much well put together and it was quite good .




Some experience which i don't really feel or find on World of Warcraft was the player could get and use their wings at level 10, Which you would receive a quest to accept the wings. Which was pretty much quite a cool feature if you know how to use the wings effectively. Your wing could be glide in some places. And Aion personally got a feature which is some of the quest you will have to watch a small clip of movie which tell you about the quest and goal and why this quest was build.

I'm playing a sorcerer which was quite nice, another point of liking Aion was they system which every player would be a Master Of Crafting. You r allow to learn all kind of craft such as tailor,blacksmith, alchemy which only depend on 2 extract skill which was Vitality Extraction n another one was Aether Extraction. Which both you could learn, It doesn't feel like World Of Warcraft which you could only choose 3 crafting skill out of the whole set of it! Well this so much i could write right now as i'm really tired right now 075_.gif 075 image by onionethan Haven't sleep enough ... 


What on your mind?
