
Friday, April 2, 2010

Car accident at Taman Midah BHP Petrol Station!

If you guy got read newspaper there a accident occur at Taman Midah where a malay guy was filling up petrol in his car and suddenly out of no where a Honda Jazz come crushing straight into the malay guy and push the car over far away! We previously got this news but Youtube remove the video completely which till now i only found a new one!

Seriously man, girl if you are drunk please la take a cab! Do it the newyork style! Not driving alone and crashing into ppl family and killing people right? She only 23 the driver and i bet she going to jail for some long long time! Or even her driving license got suspend or drop out! C'mon even if you are a hot chick i bet just you brainless!


  1. does anyone know about this drunk girl?

  2. Dude, looks like a Honda Jazz la...

  3. @post 1 : No we doesn't know who the girl is but we do know who the victim who die is.

    @post 2 : Yup it a honda jazz sorry for the wrong information i found =]


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