
Monday, October 26, 2009

Sorry guy! Slow Update Forgive me~~~

Hahaha, Sorry guy for been abit slow updating my blog this few days . As i been quite busy lately, well anyway let me show you guy something that been happy for me. At first when i create this blog i thought only Malaysian blogger and asia blog will visit. But now i getting some interesting country visitor too. So a big thank to all Visitor for visiting my blog!! Thank You.onion05.gif

Hehe,onion89e.gif i getting Egypt visitor and Nepal too!! woohoo!! so happy so happy !!! Thank thank!!


  1. ah.. maybe they came thru google search lah.. =P

  2. Thanks for the post on my LYN thread :) Nice blog you have here. Very neat and nice colours too. I see you are a dota player :P Go leave me a comment and maybe we can have a game sometime. Cheers!

  3. Ever thought that they are using proxy actually? =X

  4. Yup, thought before mostly if proxy server that would be europe / usa / australia. It won't be any proxy server route to egypt or japan i guess =]


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